Great Blue Hole

Belize is a country located on the east coast of central America . Lighthouse reaf is a huge sea pit located in the middle of the water in the middle of the island . Yes this is how the area is called (The Great Blue Hole). Details Lighthouse Reef Island is located 70km from belize city. This huge pit is 318 meters (1,043 feet) in diameter and 124 meters (407 feet) deep . Researches belize that area may have appeared in the form of ( stalactities ) . Stalactities Stalactities are a type of drive formation that occures in submerges areas thousands of years ago. That is the rocks deform under the friction caused by the current in the submerged crave and rocks . It is estimated that these changes under the sea may have taken places between 15,000 and 1,53000 years ago . The surface of the submerged seagulls makes it look like a huge pit. Exploration T...